Phil Wolfson MD
Psychiatry/Psychotherapy Consultations and Sessions: 1-hour $350
Phil Wolfson is the Director of the Center for
Transformational Psychotherapy and founder of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy:
The CTP KAP Essence
• KAP is a deep psychotherapeutic process.
• KAP often produces rapid improvement.
• KAP is compatible with most other psychiatric medicines.
• Sessions are 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours--when using the medicine.
• We operate as dyads—a trained therapist and an MD in attendance.
• We avoid the IV medical model.
• Therapy is an integral part of your process with us.
• We provide the experience in the office that enables at home sessions with our lozenge modality.
• We support your process throughout with integrative sessions, email and phone contact
• We collaborate with your psychiatrists and therapists.
• Expenses tend to be less with KAP than with the IV method.
• The cost of treatment relates to the thoroughness of our work and the long duration of the sessions--with two practitioners in attendance with you.
• We provide best effort to have you receive insurance reimbursement.
• Discussion of fees is an option.
The standard of care for the treatment of depression with ketamine therapy has evolved to 6 sessions in 2 or 3 weeks to begin with, as response is evaluated. We are unique in that after the initial in office ketamine session, , we provide ketamine sublingual lozenge sessions to be done at home under close supervision. This protocol greatly reduces costs to clients and intensifies the therapy.
Most Ketamine providers (Intra-venous-- IV) have clients come in to the office for those 6 sessions and charge accordingly for a medicalized approach run primarily by nurses without an interest in the consciousness aspect that ketamine is so rich in creating.
In our practice, usually there are 2 in-office sessions in the first month, and then one every 2-6 weeks until there is improvement in symptoms and consciousness, depending on each person and their process. Integration sessions are scheduled as needed to support and amplify these therapeutic gains. Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy—KAP works with your conscious mind in a therapeutic process that augments the possibility for healing, growth and enhanced awareness of self and others, beyond medication alone.
We provide intense psychotherapy with a psychotherapist and psychiatrist for each session in office. Most Ketamine providers do not offer psychotherapy while the patient is in treatment with ketamine, or not as a central interest.
Our sessions
• Ketamine therapies are not explicitly covered by insurance.
• We provide billing to insurers our patients that is a best effort under current insurance policies to recoup the costs of our care. This will depend on your insurance policy.
• We are open to discussion of financial issues.
A Comparison:
IV infusion sessions 6 in 2 weeks—usual cost $650 plus+ or minus—duration an hour or so, run by an RN under MD supervision—may have ancillary modalities= $3900
Our KAP—Intake, at home supervised sessions, two 3- hour sessions with MD and therapist in 2-3 weeks—consciousness focused therapy plus medicine=$2900
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Fees
1. Comprehensive Medical/Psychiatric Assessment and Screening - Intake and Initial Evaluation - $400.00
2. Sublingual Lozenge and /or Ketamine IM (intramuscular) in office Sessions – $1250.00 each session. Generally, sessions last 2 and ½ to 3 hours and --are done with concurrent psychotherapy-- with an MD and therapist presents.
3. Follow-up Integrative Sessions – without a ketamine medicine session- MD and therapist (60 minutes)- 400.00—as p art of the ongoing KAP process.
4. Individual Hour-Long Sessions: MDs $350 Therapists $175
Cancellation Policy:
48 hours, or Thursday for Monday Sessions—Full Fee if cancelled after these limits have occurred. As our sessions are 3 hours in length, timely notification is essential to our practice. Thanks for your understanding.